Title.: Portraiture of Mambuti New Moon Dance
Title.: Portraiture of Mambuti New Moon Dance
Author: Emmanuel Tanka Fonta
13 Digit ISBN: 978-1-894821-41-4 | 10 Digit ISBN: 1-894821-41-6
Subject: Contemporary African | Contemporary Ballet
Instrumentation : Small Orchestra with 5 Percussion
Category : Concert
Genre : Art Music / Improv / Classical
Duration : 8:44 minutes
Difficulty : Difficult/professional (Grades 7-8+)
Add Info : Score, Parts, CD, 30cm; Spiral bound
An eloquent & challenging work in a percussive idiolect & a vibrant instrumental lyricism with flexible melodic lines, interwoven with a pulsating & expressive rhythmical momentum. Inspired & thematically based on the dance forms, imagery, themes & motifs of an African equatorial forest masquerade dance music with classic arrangements.
A masterful & thematic composition, artfully extruding new forms, structures, idioms, themes, rhythms, melodies, harmonies, polyphony, polyrhythms and textural patterns inherent in the musical idiolects of different traditional African plucked and bowed string instruments, vocal chant music as well as the idioms of pitched percussion instruments such as the xylophone, thumb piano and marimba.
- Studies in Melodic & Rhythmic Structures, Forms & Themes, Symbolic Aural Motifs
- Spontaneity & the Art of Improvisation – Music Composition
- Mythopoetic explorations, Idioms, Themes, Motifs, Subjects in Orality & History.
- Memory, Time & Spaces & Connectedness, Cognition.
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